Monday, April 14, 2008

Hatyai, Thailand Trip on April 12-14, 2008 (Part 1)

In the bus.. getting off to Hatyai le...

Walking to Thai custom... Feels like walking from causeway to Singapore custom lor..

Waiting impatiently for the opening of Thai custom :(

But the below two person is extremely happy and enjoy their queue wor... Weird bah..??!!

Finally we reach le... sawadi'cup' Novotel here we come!!!

Wah wah wah.. very cheap wor..

Sharon so happy huh.. she must be getting alot BEST BUY MUST BUY stuffs..

Aiyo this adam ar.. wear gucci on him will become guccA also.. LOL

This is not a TUK TUK... This is a passenger truck!!! Only available in Thailand!!

Yummy yummy food...

And we are ready for our next morning water battle!!!

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