Sunday, January 1, 2006

Kukup Trip on David's Birthday Jan 01, 2006

我没醉!Wa boh zhui wa boh zhui~~~



When we get bully, we must fighting back.....

Mr Alex let me face eat cake!!! Thank you very much :)

Jail Picture??

Name: David Ting
I/C No: 810101-01-XXXX
Height: XXXcm (Confidential)

Happy Birthday to David!!!

This is the best dinner in the kukup.

She enjoy the best prawn biscuit in the world.

This is the Best Kukup Resort Owner Uncle and Auntie.

We na the people who din join us, that is Guo Qiang and Alexander!!

Hai Dai Ya Hai Dai~~~~ A very Chio de game...


  1. wow!!! damn great memory... especially the 2 videos... remember that time we took the video using ur "old school" digital camera.

  2. wah kao... the hai dai game very gao wek ler....
