Saturday, May 2, 2009

你猜你猜你猜猜猜!!! Quiz of the day!!!

Six year ago, we had fun at Desaru, guess who is the "Ah White" who buried down there?


  1. Aiyo, not need to guess. no one can do better then him~~~ he is mr ALEXANDER ONG - the AH BAI KIA... thx...

  2. my neck long long waiting for next round of gathering...

    think our last time camping at desaru is a good experience too... any pic taken on tat day?

  3. cibai..i got..but not free to post it...

  4. wow, our blog is really f-u-c-k up!!! alot of human sex organs... cb, lj... haha. anyway, this is our "style"~~~

    no time ah? post when u free la... knn
