Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kukup Trip MV on March 1, 2009


  1. sorry... i also donno why i always late. Anyway, VIP always late. Think this is the reason... huhu~~

  2. aiyo, forgot to comment on the video taken. Those actors & actress are good... but, shall we change the background music planner? fuck! Always apply those disco song... knn, ten years like one day... right?

  3. Bro i like New Age Song or Trance or ..... No Disco Song anymore F.U.C.K you Deep Deep

  4. Thanks alot for the comment. We are regret that we will not process the request posted by annoymous user. Thanks for you understanding.

    FUCK U... ur name leh.... who are u!!!

  5. How abt my message? Where you want to FUCK? That is the way you entertain the unknow user? your service very bad leh!!

  6. aiyo, show your name la... mr yong!!! Service bad? this is one of the fuckers' natural attitudes...

    JUST FUCK~~~ especially those comment with annonymous...
